Since 1972, The Triangle Nonprofit & Volunteer Leadership Center has been making a difference by strengthening nonprofits and engaging volunteers.

Service Hours

HandsOn Triangle


Model UN

Bid for Better

Retired & Senior Volunteer Program

Nonprofit Trainings

Volunteers of the Week

Peter Falciani

Bull City Woodshop

Peter Falciani

Peter Falciani’s multifaceted contributions highlight his dedication to the Bull City Woodshop. As the “Lead Volunteer” for the Tuesday afternoon group of students, he manages volunteers during his shift, maintains effective communication with parents, and fosters positive mentor relationships with the students. (Cont’d)

Dr. Lisa Nadler

Senior PharmAssist

lisa nadler

Lisa Nadler has volunteered with Senior PharmAssist (SPA) for over 25 years. She has helped in many roles including Board member, Formulary Committee chair, and Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) volunteer. As Formulary Committee chair, she helps lead discussions with community pharmacists and local healthcare prescribers about medications that SPA might cover with its secondary insurance card. (Cont’d)

(Not a mailing address):
3333 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. Suite A100, Durham, NC 27707

PO Box 3374, Durham,
NC 27702


Resources & Services

Board & Staff Retreats

Court Ordered Service

Misdemeanor Diversion

Professional Development 

Capacity Building

Convener & Collaborative 

Speakers Bureau

Lunch & Learn

Meeting Spaces

Formerly The Volunteer Center

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Apart from the free survey software, we also have access to QuestionPro's free survey templates.
We've found many of them useful and powerful to collect insights from various stakeholders of our organization.

Join us in celebrating our community volunteers

Attend the May 8, 2023 Governor's Volunteer Service Award & Key Volunteer of the Year Luncheon

RSVP by reserving tickets by May 1!