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The Triangle Nonprofit & Volunteer Leadership Center

If you have received Community Service Hours as a result of a court case, we can provide resources to help.

Nonprofit agencies approved for court ordered community service requirements are listed below. They are separated based on location.

Durham County Opportunities

Orange County Opportunities

Wake County Opportunities

Durham County Opportunities

Nonprofit Name
Notes / Restrictions
Accepts nonviolent offenders
(919) 688-9641
Only accepting traffic violations
Only Accepts: Traffic violations, Driving while impaired (alcohol only), and Non-violent misdemeanors except larceny and vandalism
Habitat for Humanity Restore (Durham)
(919) 403-8668
Habitat cannot accept charges related to larceny, theft, violent offenses, sexual offenses, or felonies.

MUST bring verification paperwork (letter from lawyer, paperwork from court, e.g.) to the orientation session.
(919) 667-9424
Accepts non-violent offenders and sex offenders
(919) 412-7011
(919) 237 - 2167
Does not accept violent offenders.

Orientation on the 2nd and 4th Thursday @ 6:30 PM
Society of St. Andrew
(919) 683-3011
May through October, own transportation required
The Salvation Army
(919) 384-7130
(919) 683-1360

Orange County Opportunities

Nonprofit Name
Notes / Restrictions
(919) 942-5119
(919) 338-3685

Wake County Opportunities

Nonprofit Name
Notes / Restrictions
(919) 832-6077
Nonviolent offenders only, no sex offenders
Helping Education (Formerly Helps Education Fund)
(833) 726-8885
(919) 462-1800

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1,100 partner agencies!