The Triangle Nonprofit & Volunteer Leadership Center

President's Award Information

PAGE UPDATED 1/15/2025

About the Award

About the Award

The Triangle Nonprofit & Volunteer Leadership Center is the area’s Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. The President’s Volunteer Service Award is the premier volunteer award program, encouraging a life of service through presidential recognition. Recognizing and honoring volunteers sets a standard for service, encourages a sustained commitment to civic participation and inspires other to make service a central part of their lives.

Award Criteria

Students that meet the program’s criteria can receive Presidential recognition for volunteer hours served over a 12-month period. (If they are applying for the Lifetime Achievement Award, this would cover all volunteer hours over their lifetime but those hours would need to equal at least 4000 hours to be eligible.)
Criteria for recognition are:
  • Recipients must be United States citizens or lawfully admitted permanent residents of the United States.
  • Awards are issued for hours served within a 12-month time period (Except Lifetime Achievement Award which is for 4000 or more hours over the course of a lifetime.)
  • Awards are issued for volunteer service only. Additional levels of participation with the organization, i.e. charitable support, are not a factor considered for the award.
  • Court-ordered community service does not qualify for the award.
  • Awards are issued by approved Certifying Organizations.
  • Service must be with an organization that is legally established in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or one of the territories.

Included in the Award
Award recipients will receive:

  • The official President’s Volunteer Service Award pin
  • Personalized certificate of achievement
  • Personalized letter signed by the President of the United States
Award Eligibility

Award Eligibility

Any individual, family, or group can receive Presidential recognition for volunteer hours earned over a 12-month period at home of abroad. (Lifetime Achievement Award is over the course of a lifetime equaling 4000+ hours) The following are the eligibility requirements for each age group:

Kids: Ages 5-10
Teens: Ages 11-15
Young Adults: Ages 16-25
Adults: Age 26 +

Bronze Level Service
Award Criteria

Kids: 26 to 49 hours
Teens: 50 to 74 hours
Young Adults: 100 to 174 hours
Adults: 100 to 249 hours
Family & Groups: 200 to 499 hours

Silver Level Service Award Criteria

Kids: 50 to 74 hours
Teens: 75 to 99 hours
Young Adults: 175 to 249 hours
Adults: 250 to 499 hours
Family & Groups: 500 to 999 hours

Gold Level Service Award Criteria

Kids: 75 hours or more
Teens: 100 hours or more
Young Adults: 250 hours or more
Adults: 500 hours or more
Family & Groups: 1000 hours or more

President’s Call to Service
Lifetime Achievement Award Criteria

All Ages: 4,000 hours or more of volunteer service over a lifetime.

Application Process

Application Process

You will need the following information to complete the application.

  • Payment must be made prior to completing the application. (Pay Here)
  • You will need your application fee payment receipt to complete the application
  • Information on all volunteer service hours before starting this application i.e. name of agency/agencies, hours completed, name of supervisor
  • The online application has multiple pages. The student has the option to complete a page at a time and click “save and complete later”. Students MUST complete all questions on a single page to use this option. If this option is selected, the system will send an application with a link to continue and complete the remainder of the application. 

Other Important things to keep in mind:

  • Based on the email address you provide in the application form to receive notifications, you will receive a thank you notification after completing the form. This notification will have the link to the supervisors evaluation form, please send it to each of your supervisors so they can complete and submit in a timely manner.
  • Please be patient with us as we receive and process all application and evaluation forms. We will email you ONLY if we are missing any information or evaluation form.
  • Please DO NOT email us to ask if we have received your application, the thank you notification to your preferred email is an acknowledgement that we have received your application.
  • Once processing is compete for all students, we will email you with information on award ceremony and/or pick up. 

Register by clicking on “Apply Now” below

Be sure to always keep a copy of all your volunteer timesheet hours! If these are lost in the mail or are not received in email, you will need a copy to verify your hours.
(Also, the center does not retain volunteer time sheets from year-to year. If you need these for other purposes you will need to keep a copy for your own records.)


The deadline for Application submission is September 1st 2025.



Phone: 919-321-6943

Or email Hannah Davis, our Community Programs Manager.

Join us in celebrating our community volunteers

Attend the May 8, 2023 Governor's Volunteer Service Award & Key Volunteer of the Year Luncheon

RSVP by reserving tickets by May 1!

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