March 2025
Betty Elliott has been a longtime volunteer for Meals on Wheels and The Triangle Nonprofit & Volunteer Leadership Center (TNVLC). For the past 10 years, she has been volunteering twice a week at Meals on Wheels as an inside helper. As an inside helper, Betty helps get the meals ready for the drivers to pick up. She helps package bread, fruit and milk and get hot meals into the warmers and ready for the drivers.
Betty began volunteering with Meals on Wheels after her late husband saw a volunteer opportunity in the newspaper. It was something that appealed to her and decided to give it a try. Betty has continued to volunteer at Meals on Wheels because she makes a difference. She feels valued as a volunteer by the staff and it’s a very easy place to volunteer. Betty says the work that volunteers do frees up the staff to do other work.
TNVLC supports several social programs in Durham and Betty has volunteered with many of them, including the Thanksgiving meals and Share Your Holiday programs. Both programs require lots of volunteers and Betty has filled many roles from volunteering at the distribution center to data entry.
There is flexibility with volunteering at both organizations. Volunteers don’t have to stay until a set time. Once the work is complete, volunteers are free to leave. Staff work well with the volunteers and try to make it easy for volunteers to complete tasks. Betty feels appreciated by the staff and knows her competency allows the staff to focus their work.
Betty says Meals on Wheels can always use more volunteers, especially drivers. If you are interested in volunteering, click here to learn more. See above for volunteer opportunities at TNVLC. Thank you Betty for supporting two nonprofit organizations in Durham!
February 2025
Dr. Barbara Smith started volunteering after retiring from a long career in education. She has a special interest in supporting people with disabilities. After moving to Durham, she attended a performance at DPAC – Reality Ministries annual show. She was so impressed with their show that she decided to volunteer with them. Then Covid hit.
Once Covid eased up, Barbara was ready to volunteer again, and she came across a volunteer opportunity with Reality Ministries. Today she volunteers on Tuesdays with them as part of the mingle group as well as their gospel choir. She met a participant on her first day and is still friends with them today. Barbara describes her experience at Reality Ministries as heartwarming.
She feels she is putting a stamp on their life, yet they have helped her through difficult moments as well. With her servant heart, “you look past the disabilities,” says Barbara. “Reality Ministries is a rock where you can go when you don’t have anywhere else to go.” Barbara invites everyone to spend one day with the people at Reality Ministries and it will change you. You will see life differently.
Barbara has also volunteered at Meals on Wheels Durham and the Durham Center for Senior Life. In fact, she is returning there in February to teach a class. The one thing Barbara says she would change about volunteering is that she would have started earlier. Thank you Barbara for sharing your time and your heart through volunteering!
January 2025
Kris Fahje moved to Durham in late 2023 and began volunteering with the Museum of Life and Science (MLS) the following spring. She moved to Durham to be closer to family and has spent a lot of time at MLS with her grandchildren over the years. She had such a great experience visiting the museum and wanted to give back through volunteering. Kris also heard Miguel and Margaret Rubiera from Emanuel Food Pantry speak at her church about volunteering at the food pantry. Supporting organizations that address food insecurity is a passion for Kris.
Kris has found that since retiring, she needs a commitment to and with others that support the community. Volunteering at both the Museum of Life and Science and the Emanuel Food Pantry has provided two different types of volunteer experiences. While at the museum, she is front and center with people and has more interaction with visitors. She interacts with young children and their families in various areas of the museum. Volunteering at Emanuel allows her to work behind the scenes packing food boxes and directing traffic. There is a spirit of unity to work together to provide food for those who need it.
Both stations require training before starting to volunteer. The museum provides specific training before volunteers get started in any area. The food pantry has a specific way to pack the boxes and to direct the cars through the car line. Kris said that every nonprofit has their own type of training and volunteers may want something more directed or may prefer to figure out a system that works for them.
Kris said that both stations have been very welcoming and inclusive. She has received personal support within the volunteer community. Kris noted that coming together to volunteer provides a common purpose and commitment to an important mission. Thank you, Kris, for making a difference in our community!
December, 2024
Michael Boner has been a volunteer with The American Red Cross in Durham since 2019. Before moving to Durham, he also volunteered with The Red Cross in Baltimore through the RSVP program as well. Michael, a life long blood donor, became interested in volunteering with The Red Cross after visiting a senior expo fair in Baltimore. After relocating to Durham, Michael connected with the RSVP program here and began volunteering with The Red Cross as a volunteer transportation specialist. He likes to keep moving so this volunteer opportunity was the perfect fit for him.
Before he started driving for The Red Cross, he went through a volunteer training to learn how to pick up and deliver blood. Michael said he had a great experience and highly recommends volunteering with The Red Cross. He noted that they have become more tech savvy since the pandemic and are always working hard to improve their services.
He felt valued as a volunteer as they have regular luncheons and quarterly recognition events to thank their volunteers. Michael said they have made changes post-Covid including ease of use functions and have made it easier to sign up for volunteer assignments. Thank you Michael for making a difference in our community!